Mastering Adaptive Excellence: Transitioning from SaaS to Services with Dina Otero of Mission Cloud

In this podcast, Sean discusses the journey from SaaS to services with Dina Otero, VP of Demand Generation at Mission Cloud. Dina's story is a testament to adaptive excellence, showcasing how experience and creativity can blend to drive success in new environments.

Transitioning from SaaS to Services

Dina Otero’s career journey is marked by her ability to seamlessly transition from SaaS roles to leading demand generation at a services business. With experience at companies like ConfirmIt, Forrester, and Aprimo, Dina joined Mission Cloud, an AWS Premier Tier managed services provider.

Here’s how she navigated this shift:

  • Leveraging SaaS Experience: Dina brought her expertise in ABM frameworks and marketing tech stacks, crucial in SaaS, to the services model. This transition emphasized the importance of understanding the customer lifecycle and using technology to enhance efficiency and visibility.

  • Adapting Marketing Strategies: While the core principles of ABM remained, execution differed. At Mission Cloud, campaigns are tailored for professional and managed services, focusing on specific customer needs and industry trends like generative AI.

Key Insights

1. ABM Frameworks Across Industries

  • The fundamental principles of ABM apply across industries, but execution varies based on company structure and target audience.

  • Execution Example: Utilizing intent data to prioritize AWS customers showing interest in specific services, then personalizing outreach based on industry expertise and historical data.

2. Balancing SaaS and Services Margins

  • Unlike SaaS with high margins, services require different budget considerations.

  • Strategic Planning: Initiatives are divided into professional services and managed services, each with tailored marketing strategies.

3. Operational Approach to Marketing

  • Dina’s marketing operations background is pivotal in her current role, enabling her to translate data into actionable insights.

  • Data-Driven Decisions: Implementing BI tools for real-time performance tracking and making informed decisions based on comprehensive data analysis.

Marketing Within the AWS Ecosystem

Operating as a premier tier AWS partner, Mission Cloud’s go-to-market strategy involves both end-user marketing and maintaining a strong relationship with AWS.

1. Dual Audience Focus

  • Marketing efforts are split between prospective customers and AWS, ensuring alignment with AWS’s expectations and leveraging their support.

  • Internal Structure: A dedicated partner marketing team bridges the gap between Mission Cloud and AWS, while alliances managers focus on different customer segments (startups, SMBs, and enterprises).

2. Innovative Campaigns

  • Creativity and innovation are essential for standing out in the competitive AWS ecosystem.

  • Example: Mission Cloud’s “Mission Generate” podcast, produced using AI, showcases their expertise and unique capabilities, highlighting the practical applications of AWS services.


  • Adaptive excellence refers to the ability to quickly adapt to new environments, leveraging past experiences to excel in different roles or industries.

  • The core principles of ABM, such as targeting specific accounts and personalizing outreach, remain consistent across industries. However, execution varies based on industry-specific challenges and customer needs.

  • Key challenges include adjusting to different margins, aligning marketing strategies with service offerings, and managing distinct go-to-market motions for professional and managed services.

  • Mission Cloud maintains its premier tier status by meeting specific KPIs set by AWS, including partner-originated opportunities and marketing-qualified opportunities. Transparent internal goals and collaboration across teams ensure these targets are met.


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