Unlocking the Creative Potential of Martech: Insights from Scott Brinker on AI and Composability

Staying ahead of the curve in the Marketing Technology (MarTech) landscape is more challenging than ever. Scott Brinker, VP of Platform Ecosystem at HubSpot and editor at chiefmartec.com, has been a key figure in helping marketers navigate this complex ecosystem. In a recent episode of the Operations Podcast, Scott discussed the current state of martech, the importance of composability, and the transformative potential of AI in digital operations.

Here's a deep dive into the insights from the conversation.

The Rapid Evolution of Martech

Scott's 2024 Martech Report reveals that the marketing technology landscape now boasts over 13,000 tools, a significant increase from the 150 tools available in 2011. This explosion in options can be overwhelming for operators trying to choose the right tools for their tech stack. Scott emphasizes that not all tools are created equal and highlights the importance of understanding the different layers within a martech stack. These layers range from primary systems that require deep integration to experimental tools that offer niche functionalities.

The Hack, Pack, Stack Approach

To manage this vast array of tools, Scott and his co-author Franz Riemer advocate for a "hack, pack, stack" approach:

  • Hack: Test the capability and feasibility of new tools.

  • Pack: Standardize processes around the tools that prove useful.

  • Stack: Automate and scale the tools for future use.

This approach allows marketers to experiment with new technologies while maintaining a structured process for integrating and scaling successful tools.

The Power of Composability

One of the key concepts Scott introduced is composability, which refers to the ability to piece together different tools and data sources to create tailored workflows and customer experiences. This concept is crucial as it allows for greater creativity and customization in marketing operations. With tools like iPaaS (Integration Platform as a Service) and cloud data warehouses, marketers can now integrate data from multiple sources to create more effective and personalized marketing campaigns.

AI: Transforming Data and Creativity

The conversation also delved into the transformative potential of AI. Scott highlighted how AI can democratize access to data and technology, enabling more marketers to leverage these powerful tools without needing deep technical expertise. AI can help marketers ask complex data questions and receive answers quickly, allowing for more agile and informed decision-making.

Practical Use Cases of AI and Composability

AI's ability to enhance data accessibility and tool integration offers numerous practical applications:

  • Self-Service Data Analysis: Generative AI tools can enable marketers to query data and get insights without relying heavily on data analysts.

  • Automated Workflows: AI can help create and optimize workflows across different platforms, reducing the manual effort required and increasing efficiency.

  • Enhanced Personalization: By integrating data from various sources, AI can help create more personalized and effective marketing campaigns.


  • Composability refers to the ability to integrate various tools and data sources to create customized workflows and customer experiences. It allows marketers to build tailored solutions that meet specific needs.

  • AI can automate data analysis, create more efficient workflows, and enable personalized marketing campaigns. It helps marketers make data-driven decisions quickly and effectively.

  • Understanding the layers helps marketers prioritize which tools need deep integration and which can be used experimentally. This ensures that core systems remain stable while allowing for innovation at the edges.

  • This approach involves testing new tools (hack), standardizing processes around successful tools (pack), and automating and scaling these tools (stack) to ensure long-term efficiency and effectiveness.

  • By adopting a flexible and experimental mindset, leveraging AI for data insights, and focusing on composability to create tailored solutions, marketers can stay ahead of technological changes and meet evolving customer expectations.


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