The Sky is (not) Falling on Outbound Email: Adapting Your Strategy for 2024

Over the past few months, sales teams have reported a decline in the effectiveness of their outbound emails.

Recently, popular sales tools have been updating their users about new sender requirements from Google and Yahoo. We’ll review the changes below, but we also believe the core issue lies in the approach sales teams have taken towards email over the years. Here's a detailed breakdown of the current challenges and how to address them effectively.

The Current Challenge

As companies scale in revenue and hire more people, the pressure to meet revenue targets increases. In desperation, many companies resort to sending mass emails, hoping to generate enough leads that convert to sustain growth. This shortcut, however, often leads to diminishing returns and increased email deliverability issues.

Here is what we have seen first hand. 

  • Entrepreneur launches a business and launches a product/company.

  • Company raises money, hires more people and now the desperation for revenue growth has increased exponentially. 

  • When desperate, the company looks for shortcuts. One of those shortcuts? Send as many emails out as possible a day to generate the leads needed to keep up with revenue targets. 

Understanding the Changes

Our friends at Klaviyo provided an in-depth overview of the recent changes. Here's the gist:

  1. Stop Fighting Gravity: Accept the new rules instead of trying to circumvent them. Focus on compliance rather than finding loopholes.

  2. Technical Setup: Ensure your emails are technically sound:

    • Set up DMARC authentication for your sending domain.

    • Align your “from” header with your domain.

    • Include an easy unsubscribe link.

    • Keep your spam rates under 0.3%. If technical setup makes your head spin, consult vendors like Outreach, Salesloft, Hubspot, or Klaviyo.

Strategic Planning for 2024

As you plan your 2024 strategy, consider these critical points:

  1. Get the Basics Right: Develop a detailed value proposition that outlines pains, value, and features. Clearly define your target personas and craft a compelling sales story. This foundational work is crucial for building a successful brand and sales strategy.

  2. Diversify Your Acquisition Channels: Email alone won't suffice. Incorporate SMS, phone calls, and content creation into your strategy. Retailers excel at “omni-channel messaging,” and software companies should adopt a similar approach. Identify where your potential customers spend their time and tailor your outreach accordingly.

  3. Personalize Your Emails: Generic emails are a thing of the past. Invest in enrichment software to help personalize messages or train your sales teams to conduct thorough research. Personalized outreach, whether via text, email, or phone, is far more effective.

Email providers consistently prioritize relevant emails that people want to engage with (open, click, respond). To ensure your emails reach the inbox and engage recipients, maintain relevance and target your audience with PERSONALIZED content. There's no need to panic if you stay focused on sending targeted, personalized messages.

For more insights and detailed guidance, check out these resources:


  • The new requirements include setting up DMARC authentication, aligning your “from” header with your domain, adding an easy unsubscribe link, and maintaining a spam rate under 0.3%.

  • Consult with vendors like Outreach, Salesloft, Hubspot, or Klaviyo to help set up the necessary technical configurations and ensure compliance.

  • In addition to email, consider using SMS, phone calls, and content creation to reach your audience. An omni-channel approach can significantly enhance your reach and effectiveness.

  • Personalized emails are more likely to engage recipients and lead to higher response rates. Personalization demonstrates that you've done your research and are addressing the recipient's specific needs and interests.

  • Use enrichment software to gather relevant information about your prospects, or train your sales teams to conduct thorough research. Personalize messages by referencing specific details about the recipient’s business, pain points, and how your solution can help.


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