The Future of Go-To-Market Strategies: Insights from Tom Wentworth

In a recent episode of "Operations," Sean dives deep into these trends with Tom Wentworth, Chief Marketing Officer of Recorded Future. Their discussion unveils significant shifts in go-to-market strategies, emphasizing the move from best-of-breed tools to integrated platforms and the increasing importance of data.

A New Era for Tech Stacks

For years, businesses have relied on a best-of-breed approach, assembling a mix of tools around a central platform like Salesforce. However, Tom Wentworth believes this strategy is becoming obsolete. "Buying a bunch of point solutions isn't going to get you to the promised land anymore," he says. Instead, companies are shifting towards integrated suites and platforms.

The Role of Data in Differentiation

As features become commoditized across various tools, the battleground shifts to data. Companies that can leverage unique datasets to drive AI models and deliver novel solutions will lead the pack. Tom points out, "Whoever has the best data is now going to win." This shift means that selecting the right platform is more critical than ever.

Evaluating Software in the New World

In this evolving landscape, evaluating software goes beyond ticking off feature checklists. Businesses must understand each vendor's data capabilities and their roadmap for future innovations. "You have to evaluate these vendors on where they're going to go," Tom advises, highlighting the importance of a vendor's vision and track record.

The Future of Marketing Automation

Tom also touches on the potential disruption in marketing automation platforms (MAPs). He foresees AI playing a significant role in transforming how these platforms operate, potentially rendering traditional workflows obsolete. "There are more tech vendors out there right now gunning for people like HubSpot and Marketo," he reveals.

Staying Ahead with Early Adoption

For go-to-market leaders, making strategic bets on emerging technologies can provide a significant competitive edge. Tom shares his approach at Recorded Future, focusing on tools that enhance productivity and scalability. "The companies that make those early bets will have a huge productivity advantage in the market," he asserts.

Questions for Evaluating Your Tech Stack

Alignment with Business Goals:

  • How does this tech stack align with our overall business goals and strategy?

  • Can this platform scale with our projected growth over the next 1-3 years?

Integration Capabilities:

  • How well does this platform integrate with our existing tools and systems?

  • Are there any significant gaps in integration that could disrupt our operations?

Data Capabilities:

  • What unique datasets does this platform offer?

  • How does this platform leverage data to provide actionable insights?

  • Can the platform handle and analyze large volumes of data efficiently?

AI and Innovation:

  • How is this platform utilizing AI to improve its offerings?

  • What innovative features are on the platform’s roadmap for the next 12-18 months?

  • How has the vendor historically delivered on their product roadmap promises?

Vendor Stability and Vision:

  • What is the vendor’s vision for the future of their platform?

  • How stable and financially secure is the vendor?

  • Can the vendor provide case studies or testimonials from similar companies?

User Experience and Adoption:

  • How user-friendly is the platform for our team?

  • What training and support does the vendor offer to ensure successful adoption?

  • How quickly can our team be onboarded and become proficient with the platform?

Customization and Flexibility:

  • How customizable is the platform to meet our specific business needs?

  • Can the platform adapt to our unique workflows and processes?

Cost and ROI:

  • What is the total cost of ownership for this platform, including implementation and ongoing maintenance?

  • How does the platform help us achieve cost savings or increased productivity?

  • What is the expected ROI, and how will we measure it?

Security and Compliance:

  • How does the platform ensure data security and privacy?

  • Is the platform compliant with relevant industry regulations and standards?

  • What measures does the vendor take to protect against data breaches?

Support and Community:

  • What level of customer support is provided, and what are the SLAs (Service Level Agreements)?

  • Is there an active community of users for networking and support?

  • What additional resources (documentation, forums, etc.) are available to assist with troubleshooting and learning?

Additional Resources

For further insights and tools, explore the following resources:


  • The new approach involves shifting from best-of-breed tools to integrated platforms. This strategy focuses on having a central platform that integrates various functions, reducing the complexity and inefficiencies of managing multiple point solutions.

  • As AI use cases expand, the quality and uniqueness of datasets become critical for delivering superior solutions. Companies with the best data can train AI models more effectively, leading to better performance and competitive advantages.

  • Businesses should not only consider current features but also evaluate the vendor's data capabilities and future roadmap. Understanding the vendor's vision and track record in delivering promised innovations is crucial.

  • AI is set to transform marketing automation platforms, potentially automating many manual workflows. This shift could disrupt traditional MAPs, making them more efficient and reducing the need for complex setups.

  • Early adoption of emerging technologies can provide a significant productivity advantage. Companies that strategically invest in new tools can achieve more with less, positioning themselves ahead of competitors who are slower to adapt.


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