Redefining Sales Leadership: Insights from TigerEye’s Sales Leaders

In sales, traditional stereotypes about salespeople and operators often prevail. However, innovative leaders like Will Magnuson, CRO, and Anna Randall, VP of Sales at TigerEye, are pushing back against these clichés. With years of experience and a unique approach to sales planning, they are setting new standards for sales leadership by forging their own path. Below are the key takeaways from Sean’s conversation with them in his recent podcast.

Challenging the Stereotypes: Active Participation in Sales Planning

Key Insights:

  • Ownership in Sales Planning: Sales leaders should be active participants in the planning process, not just recipients of targets. This involvement helps them understand the nuances of how targets are set, making it easier to communicate these targets to their teams.

  • Timing and Collaboration: Effective planning is an ongoing process that involves input from various departments. Sales leaders must engage in biannual reviews, cross-departmental collaborations, and consistent communication to stay aligned with the broader company goals.

Effective Sales Planning: From Understanding to Execution

Steps to Effective Planning:

  1. Identify the North Star: Determine the key objective for the year, whether it’s revenue growth, acquiring new logos, or segmenting the business. This North Star guides the entire planning process.

  2. Connect Past to Future: Use historical data to inform future planning. Address recurring issues and advocate for necessary resources to solve long-term problems.

  3. Run Toward Problems: Instead of avoiding challenges, tackle them head-on. This proactive approach helps in identifying and solving issues before they escalate.

Cross-Functional Collaboration: The Key to Successful Planning

Building Effective Partnerships:

  • Sales and Ops Synergy: A strong partnership between sales and operations is crucial. Consistency in the plan and clean data are essential for making informed decisions.

  • Empathy and Negotiation: Sales leaders bring empathy and negotiation skills to the table, facilitating better cross-functional collaboration and compromise.

  • Healthy Discourse: Encourage open communication and healthy debates to ensure all perspectives are considered in the planning process.

Communicating the Plan: Transparency and Unity

Strategies for Effective Communication:

  • Less is More: Focus on key KPIs and avoid overwhelming the team with excessive details. Provide a clear and concise overview of the plan.

  • Unified Front: Present a united front with the operations team to show cohesion and commitment to the plan. This builds trust and prevents division within the team.

  • Empathy in Rollout: Understand the stress and anxiety that come with change. Lead with empathy and provide support to help the team navigate through transitions.

Continuous Improvement: Embracing Modern Tools

Leveraging Technology:

  • Real-Time Information: Utilize tools that provide real-time updates and simulations to make informed decisions quickly. This agility helps in adapting to market changes effectively.

  • Attracting Talent: A robust planning process not only drives business success but also attracts and retains top talent. Transparent and strategic planning makes the company a desirable place to work.

Additional Resources

Further Reading and Tools:


  • Sales leaders should actively engage in the planning process by collaborating with different departments, understanding the data and assumptions behind targets, and providing input based on their frontline experience.

  • A unified front ensures consistent messaging and alignment across the organization. It builds trust and prevents division, making it easier to implement and achieve the sales plan.

  • Real-time tools enable quick simulations and updates, allowing sales leaders to adapt to changes swiftly and make informed decisions. This agility is crucial for responding to market dynamics.

  • Empathy helps sales leaders understand the challenges and stress their teams face, especially during planning and transitions. Leading with empathy fosters a supportive environment and improves team morale and performance.

  • A transparent and strategic planning process shows that the company is committed to setting achievable goals and supporting its employees. This attracts top talent and helps retain existing team members by providing a clear path to success.


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