Unlocking Revenue Operations Excellence

Jeremey Donovan, EVP of RevOps and Strategy at Insight Partners, has distilled years of experience into a comprehensive analysis of what separates top-performing companies from the rest. This post dives into the core insights from his methodology, focusing on best practices in hiring, pipeline management, and sales processes that have been proven to accelerate growth in hypercompetitive environments.

The Revenue Maturity Assessment: A Data-Driven Approach

Jeremey Donovan's journey into RevOps excellence began with the creation of a Revenue Maturity Assessment. This tool was designed to evaluate the practices of 122 companies across nine critical categories, including go-to-market strategy, sales compensation, and pipeline management. The goal? To identify which practices truly drive performance and separate the average from the elite.

Key Insights and Best Practices

1. Hiring and Talent Management: Proactive Recruitment

  • Insight: Top performers are distinguished by their proactive and scalable recruitment processes.

  • Best Practice: Adopt a forward-thinking approach to hiring, particularly in roles that are crucial to revenue generation. Always recruit ahead of attrition to ensure no critical positions are left vacant, minimizing the disruption to sales pipelines and overall business operations.

  • Real-World Example: Companies like Oracle and Fortinet emphasize hiring ahead of the curve, ensuring that even with natural attrition, there is always sufficient sales capacity.

2. Pipeline Management: Maniacal Dedication to Pipeline Creation

  • Insight: The most successful companies maintain a laser focus on pipeline creation, ensuring that each sales period has enough opportunities to meet bookings goals.

  • Best Practice: Monitor and report on pipeline created per seller on a weekly basis. This includes differentiating between new business and expansion pipeline to avoid the pitfalls of over-reliance on either segment.

  • Actionable Tip: Implement a structured review process to inspect pipeline quality regularly. Ensure that opportunities meet set criteria before being advanced in the sales cycle.

3. Sales Processes: Data-Driven Optimization

  • Insight: Effective sales processes are those that are continually refined based on data-driven insights, particularly focusing on the effectiveness of sales activities.

  • Best Practice: Develop a robust operating rhythm that involves all levels of sales leadership in deal advancement and forecasting. Regularly assess the conversion rates of activities to outcomes, and refine processes accordingly.

  • Real-World Example: At SalesLoft, an analysis of sales development rep (SDR) performance showed that top performers achieved high activity levels with low activities per opportunity, indicating efficiency in their outreach strategies.

The Bridge Between Pipeline and Sales Processes

An interesting intersection exists between pipeline management and sales processes. Companies that excel in both areas typically have strong operating rhythms that involve all levels of leadership in the process. This ensures that deals are not only advancing through the pipeline but doing so in a way that is aligned with overall company strategy and goals.

Additional Resources


  • A Revenue Maturity Assessment is a tool used to evaluate the effectiveness of a company’s revenue-generating processes across various categories, such as sales, marketing, and customer success. It helps identify areas of improvement and benchmark against top performers.

  • Proactive recruitment ensures that key sales roles are always filled, reducing the risk of losing revenue due to unstaffed positions. This strategy allows companies to maintain consistent sales momentum and avoid disruptions in the sales pipeline.

  • Monitoring pipeline created per seller helps ensure that each sales rep is contributing to the overall sales goals. It also allows leadership to identify potential issues early and take corrective action to keep the pipeline healthy and productive.

  • Data-driven optimization involves analyzing sales activities and their outcomes to continuously refine the sales process. This approach helps increase the effectiveness of sales efforts, leading to higher conversion rates and better alignment with company goals.


Navigating the Walls and Stalls of Growth


Optimizing RevOps: Key Insights to Reducing Friction and Delivering Actionable Insights